Conjugation of the grace.
“It cannot be denied that abstraction has observed -in different periods, languages and artists- a certain natural empathy for the paper. Into that accessible and malleable matter can enter the most implausible non-figurative assumptions. And this is what has happened in this last century, when abstraction established its realities and was evidenced as a path of infinite sensory stimuli and sensitivities”.
“Irene Berzero bets on that identification. And she does it within a very loose geometric abstraction, of desaturated values, in which colour pronounces its subjective charges and, from there, builds a universe to visualize and -why not- destructure at the same time. Rhythms / translations / agreements of design / disruption provide their small planes the substantive power of synthesis. The reasoned synthesis that binds and dissociates; the synthesis that gives strength to the proposed morphology; the synthesis that goes beyond the meanders of the origin”.
“In this context, Irene Berzero’s proposals attract for their conjugation of grace. Nothing less. Simple in their visual eloquence, they nobly attract the inquiring and penetrating eye.”